
People choose esthetic dental procedures/surgery for various reasons—to repair a defect such as a malformed bite or crooked teeth, treat an injury, or just improve their overall appearance.  Whatever the reason, the ultimate goal is to restore a beautiful smile.

For these and many other reasons, esthetic dentistry has become a vital and important part of the dental profession.

Common esthetic dental procedures can be performed to correct misshaped, discolored, chipped or missing teeth. They also can be used to change the overall shape of teeth—from teeth that are too long or short, have gaps, or simply need to be reshaped.

Some of the more common procedures involve:

  • Bonding - A procedure in which tooth-colored material is used to close gaps or change tooth color.
  • Contouring and reshaping - A procedure that straightens crooked, chipped, cracked or overlapping teeth.
  • Veneers - A procedure in which ultra-thin coatings are placed over the front teeth. Veneers can change the color or shape of your teeth. For example, veneers have been used to correct unevenly spaced, crooked, chipped, oddly shaped or discolored teeth.
  • Whitening and bleaching - As the term implies, whitening and bleaching, a rapidly increasing procedure, are used to make teeth whiter.

Which techniques should be used to improve your smile? A dental exam will take many factors into consideration, including your overall oral health.

  • Intertrigo

    Intertrigo is a common rash found in the folds of the skin. Common areas of involvement include the groin, in the folds of the abdomen, and under the breasts. Because of the friction, warmth, and moisture in the skin folds, the affected areas become red and raw. Symptoms can also include itching and

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  • Keloids

    Keloids are thick, firm, hard growths due to excessive scar tissue formation. They differ from ordinary scars and hypertrophic scars in that the scar tissue extends and spreads beyond the original wound margin. Rarely, these growths can occur spontaneously, even without any preceding skin injury. Keloids

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  • Keratosis Pilaris

    Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition characterized by rough, bumpy skin most often found on the back of the arms, thighs, and cheeks. It is a common finding in those with dry and sensitive skin. It typically affects children and teenagers and can improve or resolve over time. The condition is

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  • Lentigo/Lentigines

    Lentigo is a benign skin growth that resembles a freckle. It is usually a tan or brown spot that is flat or slightly raised. It can vary in size and shape and can occur as a singular lesion or as multiple lesions (lentigines). Lentigines have been classified into several types depending on their characteristics,

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  • Lice

    Lice are tiny insects that live on human hair and clothing fibers and can be seen with the naked eye. These tiny bugs attach to the hair and feed on human blood, causing intense itching in the affected areas. People can suffer from 3 different types of infestation: head lice (pediculosis capitis), body

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  • Lichen Planus

    Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition that can affect the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes (such as the mouth and genital region). On the skin, it presents as small, pink to purple, itchy, flat-topped papules. Though the rash can appear anywhere (including on the genital skin), favored sites

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  • Lichen Sclerosus

    Lichen sclerosus is a chronic skin condition most commonly affects the genital skin. The affected areas become thin, white, crinkled, irritated, and/or intensely itchy. Blisters and sores can also form. Left untreated, the condition can lead to scarring and increase an individual’s risk for skin cancer,

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  • Lichen Simplex Chronicus

    Lichen simplex chronicus is a condition where repeated scratching or rubbing of a site creates a localized, itchy, thickened, leathery patch of skin. Lichen simplex chronicus can present as a solitary lesion or as multiple lesions—usually in areas that are easy to reach. The most commonly involved

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  • Lipoma

    Lipomas are common fatty tumors that present as soft or rubbery lumps or bumps underneath the skin that are easily moved. They can occur as a solitary lesion or multiple lesions (often occurring in families). Lipomas can occur anywhere on the body where fat tissue is present, but are most common on the

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  • Lupus

    Lupus is a group of autoimmune diseases where the body’s own immune system attacks healthy tissue leading to inflammation and damage in the affected organs. Lupus can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, and blood cells. Types of lupus include: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)This

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  • Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick (commonly the deer tick). Early symptoms may include fever, chills, fatigue, headache, body aches, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans.

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  • Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic Alopecia)

    Male-patterned baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss affecting men. The condition can start as early as late teens or early twenties but typically is more common in older men. By 50 years of age, approximately 50% of white men will have some degree of male pattern hair

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  • Melanoma

    Melanoma is a type of skin cancer originating from the pigment producing cells in the skin called melanocytes. Though not as common as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, it is more deadly because of its ability to spread to other parts of the body. Melanomas can have various appearances.

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  • Melasma

    Melasma is a common skin condition where affected individuals develop splotchy, irregularly shaped, brown patches on the face. Common areas of involvement include the forehead, cheeks, nose, jawline, chin, and upper lip. It typically affects women between the ages of 20 and 40, and is more common in

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  • Merkel Cell Carcinoma

    Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare but very aggressive form of skin cancer. It commonly presents as a rapidly growing nodule or bump on a sun-exposed site such as the face, head, or neck. Merkel cell carcinomas can range in color from flesh colored to red, purple, or blue. This type of aggressive skin cancer

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  • Moles (Nevi)

    A mole, also known as a nevus (plural: nevi), is a very common skin growth. Moles develop as a result of clusters of melanocytes (pigment producing cells) in the skin. Although a mole can be present at birth (called a congenital nevus), most nevi appear during childhood and adolescence. Most people have

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